
AQUAFIN-1K-PREMIUM – New single component and flexible waterproofing slurry for the early installation of finishes

The AQUAFIN brand has been synonymous with performance and quality for over 50 years in waterproofing with mineral-based waterproof slurries. And good traditions obligate – above all in new and further developments in the product sector. With AQUAFIN-1K-PREMIUM, SCHOMBURG completely honours its obligations to develop reliable and great to use products.

AQUAFIN-1K-PREMIUM is a mineral-based, single component and flexible waterproofing slurry for use as a waterproof membrane beneath tiled finishes. The new development from the East-Westphalian building product specialist impresses with numerous outstanding application properties. In addition to smooth and easy application performance, it is also distinguished by a long pot life of up to 60 minutes. The material can be applied by trowel, brush or roller and can be tiled after only four hours. In addition it is crack-bridging and resistant to frost and ageing.

The formulation was perfected especially for this type of waterproofing and guarantees the best application performance for wall and floor areas for interior as well as exterior use. AQUAFIN-1K-PREMIUM is for use in wet duty exposure classes A, A0 and B0 in accordance with the ZDB data sheet “Bonded waterproof membranes“. Naturally, AQUAFIN-1K-PREMIUM can also incorporate all the system components such as e.g. ASO-Joint-Tapes and pre-formed sections in a secure bond.