Declaration of Performance according Annex III oft he Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011 amended by Commissions delegated Regulation (EU) No 574/2014
for the product
Thermopal-FS 33 201422-1
Unique identification code of the product type:
DIN EN 998-1:2010-12
2. Intended use:
restoration plaster
3. Manufacturer :
Schomburg GmbH & Co. KG Aquafinstrasse 2-8 32760 Detmold
4. Authorized representative:
not relevant
5. System or systems of assessment and verification of constancy of performance of the construction product as:
System 4
6. Notified test laboratory:
7. Harmonised standard :
8. Declared performance :
Performance Essential characteristic Compressive strength Capillary water uptake 24h, prism Water penetration Coefficient of water-vapor permeability Adhesive tensile strength Image after break Thermal conductivity (average value λ10,dry mat.), average value from table (P 50%) Fire reaction durability
System of assessment and verification of constancy of performance
Harmonised technical specification
CS II 2 ≥ 0,3 kg/m ≤ 5 mm ≤ 15 ≥ 0,08 N/mm B
< 0,67 A1 resistant in case of handling according to the technical data sheet
The performance of the product identified in points 1 and 2 is in conformity with the declared performance in point 8. This declaration of performance is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer identified in point 4.
Signed for and on behalf of the manufacturer by: Stefan Flügge, technician (name and function)
Detmold, 08.05.2015
This declaration of performance was created electronically. It is valid without manual signature.
The current material safety data sheet and technical data sheet is downloadable under or