Declaration of Performance according Annex III oft he Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011
for the product
Lightflex 201005 1.
Unique identification code of the product type:
EN 12004 C2
2. Identification :
batch no.: see packaging of the product
3. Intended use:
improved cementitious adhesive for internal and external tiling
4. Manufacturer :
Schomburg GmbH & Co. KG Aquafinstrasse 2-8 32760 Detmold
5. Authorized representative:
not relevant
6. System or systems of assessment and verification of constancy of performance of the construction product as:
System3 System 3 reaction to fire
7. Notified test laboratory:
The notified testing laboratory Materialprüfungsamt Nordrhein-Westfalen. identification number 0432 performed the determination of the producttype on the basis of type testing under system 3 and issued: test report No 220003005-04. The notified body MPA NRW identification number 0432 performed the determination of the class regarding reaction to fire on the basis of product testing under system 3 and issued: test report No 230007680-3.
8. Declared performance :
Essential characteristic Reaction to fire Bond strength After dry storage Durability of bond strength Tensile adhesion strength after water immersion Tensile adhesion strength after heat ageing Tensile adhesion strength after freezethaw cycles
Harmonised technical specification
A1 / A1fl ≥ 1,0 N/mm
≥ 1,0 N/mm
EN 12004:2007+A1:2012
Essential characteristic Release of dangerous substances
The performance of the product identified in points 1 and 2 is in conformity with the declared performance in point 8. This declaration of performance is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer identified in point 4. Signed for and on behalf of the manufacturer by: Wilhelm-Kreyling Dreyer, technician (name and function)
Detmold, 02.05.2013
This declaration of performance was created electronically. It is valid without manual signature.
The current material safety data sheet and technical data sheet is downloadable under or